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Decoding Email Marketing Jargon: A Guide for Real Estate Success
Kate Reinarz, Jr. Marketing ManagerMarch 6, 20242 min read

Decoding Email Marketing Jargon: A Guide for Real Estate Success

Email marketing has become a necessity for real estate professionals looking to build connections, nurture leads, and ultimately close deals. However, the world of email marketing comes with its fair share of jargon that can be overwhelming, especially for those who aren’t so familiar with the marketing landscape. In this guide, we'll demystify the key terms associated with email marketing, empowering real estate agents to navigate this powerful tool with confidence.


1. Drip Campaigns: Simplified Customer Journeys

A drip campaign is a series of scheduled emails crafted to nurture leads or guide recipients through a specific journey. The aim is to provide valuable content gradually, encouraging desired actions, without the need for manual email management.

Drip Campaigns don’t mean losing the personal touch. In fact, it enhances it. Drip Campaigns enable you to send timely and relevant messages that follow your audience’s natural journey. From welcome emails to follow-ups after property showings, Drip Campaigns ensure you're consistently present in your clients' inboxes, saving you time and effort.


2. Automated Email: Putting Your Inbox on Autopilot

Automated Emails are a real estate agent's secret weapon. Imagine staying in constant communication with your leads without manually sending individual emails. These emails are based on triggers: in rezora, they can be an MLS event (Just Sold, Open House, etc.) or maybe it’s a global holiday! These emails are ready and waiting to be triggered by your system so you don’t have to do a thing.


3. Open Rates and Click-Through Rates: Metrics That Matter

Understanding how your audience interacts with your emails is crucial. Open rates tell you the percentage of recipients who opened your email, while click-through rates indicate how many clicked on links within your email. Monitoring these metrics helps you gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven improvements. A “good” open rate can be characterized as anything over about 15%, while a “good” click rate can be considered anything over 1.5%.


4. Personalization: Making Your Emails Stand Out

Personalization goes beyond just addressing your recipient by their first name. It's about tailoring your content to their needs and interests. Real estate agents can use personalization to create a connection, such as sending property recommendations based on previous searches or congratulating clients on milestones like anniversaries*.

*This can be a type of automated email in rezora! Enter your contact’s home anniversary on their details page and an email will be sent on your behalf when that date arrives.


5. Segmentation: Targeting the Right Audience

Segmentation involves dividing your email list into groups based on specific criteria. For real estate agents, this could mean categorizing leads by location, budget, or property preferences. By sending targeted messages to each segment, you increase the relevance of your emails, making them more likely to resonate with your audience.


By unraveling the mysteries of email marketing jargon, real estate agents can harness the full potential of this powerful tool. Drip campaigns, automated emails, open rates, click-through rates, personalization, and segmentation are not just buzzwords – they are the keys to unlocking a successful email marketing strategy. As you incorporate these concepts into your real estate business, remember that rezora is here to simplify the process, making email marketing accessible and effective for professionals of all backgrounds. Sign up for a free account today and decide if you like what you see - charges only incur when subscriptions are purchased!