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Melissa MataDecember 2, 20202 min read

The Importance of Holiday Marketing Pieces Using Campaigns

holiday marketing pieces

So, it’s official. We’ve made it. 2020 is coming to an end, and with that, we have all the holidays approaching very quickly! You’re booked solid for the next few weeks trying to complete as many transactions as possible before the year ends, planning virtual holiday gatherings, spending time with your family and gift wrapping. With all that going on, who has time to remember to send out a holiday email every week?

While we would love to give you more time in your day, at rezora, we can definitely help you make the most of it with the “Campaigns” feature.

Our Campaigns feature can be used year-round and for many other instances than just seasonal pieces, however, it is especially helpful during the holidays, the most wonderful and, sometimes, stressful time of the year.

What is a “Campaign”?

Campaigns are groups of marketing pieces designed by your Marketer and made available to you. These marketing pieces could be scheduled pieces, which automatically go out to your Primary Sphere, or ones that you send out on you own. You have the option to participate in the Campaign. If you participate you will have access to all of these templates and are opting-in to any scheduled pieces.

What is so great about it?

What is so great about cheese? Who doesn’t like convenient!? These are ready to go, finished marketing pieces that are scheduled to go out on a specific date and time. Your marketer already did all the hard work for you. All you have to do now is “Authorize” an available campaign, and you are all set! These pieces will go out, to your contacts on your behalf.

Is it really necessary?

YES! While our contacts aren’t really on the edge of their chair waiting for a “happy holidays” email from us, touches like these are absolutely necessary to stay top-of-mind with your clients and prospects. Think about it… of all the conversations they’ll have with family and friends during this season, wouldn’t you want them to remember your name when they start talking about how Jim and Susan, the empty nesters from 3 houses down the block, are looking to sell their home and buy an ocean front condo?

In conclusion, we know there’s “busy” and then there’s “holiday busy”, which is why we think is important you make most of all the features that are available to you in rezora.

It is times like these, when we should take what we can, and truly spend our time and energy with those who matter the most.